Well... I had a pretty good weekend, if I had to compare it to some of the ones I have had recently. In just a few short days, my childrens clothing and accessories business has soared to a few big milestones. I am now going to be producing items for sales in TWO boutiques in the area. High five for this mama.
Check out what I have been working on this weekend......
And.... my litte baby isn't a little baby anymore. Along with everything else going on, I am just getting slapped in the face with realizing, Gab is going to be TWO in just a few weeks and we have a party to plan! Its so bittersweet, because she is so big and so smart and so sweet. But, it also makes me want to have.... yes I will say it.... another little baby! I am not the mom who says, "oh, lets wait five years and then we will try..." My question to that is.... why the hell raise the older ones just enough then have to start all over again?! Not for me. I am a wham, bam, thank you mam kinda mama. I want to have them, raise them, love them, nurture them, teach them, and then enjoy being the one who gets to sit back and watch them find their success and happiness.
(is she the cutest or what? :) )
So I am thinking a tutorial is in the making.
What would you guys like to see a tutorial on? I defiantly think I am full of lots of options, but it will be in the category of children's DIY clothing and/or accessories, crafting, mommy projects, and/or sewing tutes. I want your feedback on what YOU would like to see.
On another note....
I am working very hard on getting my website up and running but I need YOUR help.....
Can you help me spread this site and make it viral, you know, so I can make some $$ and then share it with YOU! ;) Come on, you know ya want to!
*link up with us, share us, and help us network.... we will do the same*
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