Thursday, August 8, 2013

an epiphany in a picture

A picture says a thousand words.

Since I have two little ones, one going to preschool in just a few weeks, I rarely get a minute to even sit and think. And although it gets very stressful and chaotic, I love those parts of my life most.  I wouldn't be happy at all if there was nothing going wrong, or right, or going at all.  (If you can't tell, I have severe ADHD.... It takes pneumonia and a category 4 hurricane, at the same time, to get me to stop for a minute...) I feel like life is funny like that, you rant, rave, stress, and walk around with your mind running all day about these little things. Things that are so small, in 5 minutes you probably won't be worried about whatever it was you were worried about and then you have moved on to another oh-so-important-and-anxiety-induced stressor. If we would all just stop and soak in the beauty of what we HAVE, and not what we DON'T have, then maybe the little things wouldn't take up so much of our focus anymore. Because we wouldn't let them rob us of that moment.  I feel like I don't want to look back on these times and have any regrets.  Any "should have", "could have" or "really wish I would have" thoughts.

We only get one chance and only very few years to make a Godly impact on our children. To teach them right from wrong. To raise them to accept others, love others, have no judgments towards others, and to always lead with their heads held high.  Being an example to them and showing them what confidence, self esteem, self motivation, drive, determination, and true love is.

Oh, I am so not the perfect mother.  And if there's an award for that, I don't believe I'd ever want to take that award.  I don't strive to come off as that either. I am just doing my best and being the best influence I can be on my little girls. I am still learning things everyday.  I am trying to remind myself everyday before nap when it gets a lil crazy and then again before bed and... yeah, many times during my day... that this is all the time I get.  When I am cleaning crayon off the walls, puke off the carpet, poop in the bath *ew*, the pile of dishes stacked all the way up, throwing laundry down my stairs, and the many other things I LOVE to do, I remind myself that I will miss this someday. That these are the times that matter most. I don't wanna lose a minute of time to make memories with my daughters and impact their lives as a Godly woman and mother. 

Thought I would share these thoughts with you.  All based off of one little picture.  A snapshot in time.  Its history already actually.  The past is gone already.  All we have is now and tomorrow.

Do you stop to remind yourself that those little things don't matter so much as this does?
The worries will still be there tomorrow, that will never change.  The moments are not replaceable and can not be put on repeat. You do not get a do-over.  No second chance.  Make your moments matter.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

DIY No Sew Applique Tutorial!

So, as I was discussing options for a project my bestie has going on, I realized that not everyone knows about the oh-so-wonderful heat n' bond!

Okay so I use Heat N' Bond ULTRAHOLD for projects like this....
The watermelons on the shirt are made of actual fabric and are NO SEW. made with Heat N' Bond Ultrahold! :)

I have seen so many people on various sites selling shapes and letters and such, all just with Heat N' Bond on the back and asking for your first child for them! It is NOT hard, NOT expensive, and should be 100% always DIY! :) So, lets show you how to do it so you can make your own and I promise, you will love this stuff and the possibilities are endless.

You will need:
-Heat N' Bond Ultrahold (for this I am using it from the 5 yard roll, purchased at Walmart for around $7, but that will last me a LONG time. You can also buy it in a small spool with widths from 1/4 inch up to 1 inch, as well as in a little pack that *I think* comes with about 1 yard)
-Fabric (this is exactly why I save all my scraps. Want a little heart on that shirt your making? Grab some scrap from your stash and Viola!)

First, cut your fabric to about the size your going to need for whatever your cutting out.  I recommend always cutting out a square, circle, or rectangle, because when the Heat N' Bond is transferred onto the fabric it can make a mess and be a hastle if your trying to do an odd shape. 

You will then cut out the same shape for the Heat N' Bond.  Lay down the fabric RIGHT side down like this...

Then place the Heat N' Bond shape on top of the fabric with the paper side up facing you so that the glue side is facing the fabric.

Then you will quickly iron over those two together.  DO NOT LEAVE the iron on for long. Have the iron up HIGH, but only run it across it QUICKLY.  You will ruin the glue if you hold the iron down for long. It is not like transfer paper or rhinestone transfers that you have to hold down much longer. This only needs to melt that glue onto there and it does it quickly. You will then need to let it COOL DOWN almost completely.

You will then draw on your image to the paper backing (or to the front on the actual fabric if you are using a invisible type fabric pen, or chalk works too) Make sure whatever it is your doing is going to be facing the right way when you iron it on... ex. letters, numbers.

Now, cut out your shape or image.

Then, your going to peel off the paper backing. 

Now, you should have a nice shiny layer of glue on the back of your fabric.

You will then place it, glue side down, and iron it. Quickly again.  Make sure you get the edges well so they don't start coming up. 

That's it! Your done! Easy peasy!